
To me the word “manifest” means the highest promise. When the Universe says, “With me, you manifest”, it is making the highest promise that anyone can make. It makes me feel nice, good, and sweet to know that I am chosen to receive such a nice gift. The ability to manifest.

Manifesting is nicer than winning casino money. And that money is nice. The things bought with casino won money are very nice. I once won money at a casino and I went to the grocery store. I bought luxuries like chocolate cake and bottles and bottles of wine instead of regular necessities like bread. When I got the money, money ideas came to my mind. And so I bought luxury goods. And that was nice.

Now imagine manifesting at will. Imagine how nice that is. Imagine manifesting everything you want, when you want it. Imagine living in the lap of luxury. Imagine being treated like royalty everywhere you go because you manifested it. Manifest. Get what you want, when you want it. That is nice.

Imagine how nice it feels to manifest money into your bank account. Imagine manifesting your soulmate. A girl so sweet, so soft, so caring and understanding, she lifts you up. Or a guy. Imagine manifesting solutions to everything in your life. Imagine manifesting yourself as friendly and happy with everyone, all day, everyday and doing it effortlessly.

Now, imagine how bad and how sad it feels when you go to manifest and nothing happens. Oh! my, God! It feels bad. It feels terrible. The feeling is so bad, it causes trepidation. Imagine you are late for an interview and you will to manifest a ride when you do not have a car and no car arrives. And you arrive very late at the interview and you are disqualified! I mean the highest promise not delivered, sucks terribly.

And no esoteric teaching saying when you manifest, don’t doubt and don’t question it, will make you feel better. Them saying, “Just visualise it and let it go and it shall manifest” is not sufficient. Ten years go by and you still live in the same terrible conditions. You hate your job. You have no friends. I mean life sucks and yet the Universe says, “With me, you manifest. Now go manifest.” And you try and try and try, still nothing. The question then is, how can the universe make such a high promise and not deliver?

I ask, “How can a person manifest at all cost regardless of whether they feel good or bad, or whether they doubt or not, and regardless of all the other factors that lead to them not manifesting that which they want? How? What should they do?”

My first part of the answer is, “Pleiadian and Angel Alchemy.” Immerse yourself in Saint Germain’s textbook, “Saint Germain on Alchemy” and read the Ascended Masters “I AM” Discourses many times over in order to align your consciousness with a higher vibrational frequency. I can tell you that I developed alchemical tools that I use to manifest small things, usually things like conversations. I developed tools before I read the “I AM” Discourses but after I started reading them and Saint Germain, I developed newer and better tools. Angel Alchemy is Ascended Master Alchemy from Discourse Book 13.

I should say, “Hi, my name is Makhora and I manifest conversations.” But that is not a luxury. It is not nice. Certainly not as nice as manifesting a mansion house and a brand new car with the insurance and tracker to go with it. How about manifesting the perfect wife, the perfect children, the perfect schools, the perfect life, and a host luxuries. I AM not above manifesting a top of the range smart phone.

The second answer is, “Clear your subconscious” and this, too, needs to have an abracadabra phrase to clear it. Every manifestation comes from the subconscious. For example, if you daydream that you are a rock star on a stage at your lit rock concert and you light yourself of fire as the grand finale, you will manifest the equivalent of what your subconscious says is you as a rock star lit on fire on stage. If by luck that image is equated to a million bucks, I tell you, you will have a million bucks within 2 to 3 days. Full disclosure. This rock star image happened to me and I manifested myself watching an old movie that I cannot remember now that had an image of a man on fire. My subconscious found that daydream image in an old movie. This is real but it must stop being automatic and start being conscious.

The Universe should come correct and start giving us tools to manifest everything we want instantly. No more talk of feelings, emotions, etc although they work wonders when you can get them to work. I’m talking about it should give us rituals if need be because “manifest” is a very nice and sweet promise that feels even nicer and sweeter when delivered on. And manifest must always be a promise made, a promise kept. It’s just too nice and too sweet. I must manifest what I want, when I want it, all the time and you should, too.