Hollywood is white supremacist

Dear Alchemists,

Hollywood is racist. It is more than racist. It is white supremacist. Okay. Before you accuse me to insensitivity allow me to explain.

I live in South Africa. A country struggling to come to terms with its white supremacist past. This past was called “Apartheid” that means separate but equal. It was espoused by the racist Afrikaner ethnic group. They favored South Africa to belong to White people only. Whites regarded non-whites as non-human. Hence they killed non-whites at will, and required that they go to school until they were only eleven (11) years old in which case a girl would be a maid and a boy would be a gardener.

In the event that non-white people fort back, the White supremacist government used military troops trained in the art of warfare to hunt and kill non-whites. It was racist genocide. But non-whites could only kill so far. Other restrictive measures were to ensure that non-whites did not receive higher education. They earned peanuts wages. They could not have a nigh life. And they could not live anywhere they wanted to live.

Apartheid or the last legal white supremacy in the world had its life in South Africa up until 1994.



Well. So apparently Hollywood did not get the memo because a lot of Hollywood movies use the Apartheid regime’s racist color scheme in their movies.

The Apartheid flag was had the colors orange, white and blue. Many Hollywood movies use this color scheme in their images. And they are images in popular movies. If you blink you will miss them. But they are there. Waiting to enter your subliminal consciousness.

The images above are from the television series “Arrested Development” season 3, episode 12, the opening sequence from “Arrested Development” season 3, “Karate Kid” (1984), “Sister Act” (1992), and the Apartheid regime’s official state flag from 1928 to 1994.

So, Hollywood is very racist. Or at least very sympathetic to racist South Africa, which was the last legal racist regime. This is deduced from the use of the colors of the Apartheid flag. One might say that it is either coincidental or that one is free to mix the colors together and not stand for white supremacy. I agree on the latter. An individual can wear orange, white, and blue and not know that they look like the Apartheid flag. But Hollywood costumers and set dressers live for color. They research. In fact everybody in Hollywood knows the colors of the Apartheid flag – the symbol of the last legal white supremacist regime. They know this because they are knowledgeable.

I wish I could say stay away from Hollywood movies to protect your subliminal consciousness. But I can’t. But be warned.

And always use a condom or test before sex.

Alchemist was away

I have been away.

I was away for one reason.

I AM a bona fide Alchemist in the vein of Saint Germain and The Cloud (See Saint Germain ‘Alchemy: Formulas for Self-transformation).

Before I left, I chanced upon an alchemical tool so potent, I had to take leave from raising alchemical questions regarding manifesting in order to practice this tool.

I promise you this alchemical tool will change your life. It has changed my life. It is changing my life as you read this. And, Yes, I do hope to raise your hopes because I AM in heaven with this alchemical tool.

I knew this tool before I took leave. If you read my earlier posts, you will notice that they are angry but full of a hidden braggadocio. That’s because I was cocky because I have discovered the alchemical tool of my lifetime so far. Except by the time I had just discovered it, I was not fully aware of its power and it was overwhelming me. So I couldn’t control it and thus I couldn’t hold it’s power and show you. Hence the anger and the hidden braggadocio. Excuse me.

To be fair and honest I did not ‘discover’ the tool so much. Okay, I did but as I read the ‘I AM’ Discourses the Ascended Masters revealed to me that they showed me the tool. I was amazed! And grateful. Touched, really! Me, chosen; shown!? Wonderful!

And so I’ve practiced the tool and am well versed in it. Additionally,  I AM going to train to be a healer and I will have a certificate. It’s important to accept the calling. Ascension and ascension symptoms are signals to go be a healer. And enroute to my being a healer, I was gifted this alchemical tool. It is too powerful for my human mind such that I can only do it once or twice a day and then never more than 4 times a week. It takes a lot of consciousness energy and it leaves me depleted. I so wish I could do it all day, everyday.

I want to teach you it. You will love it. So now I’m using the tool to guide me and to reveal to me how I should teach it (or if I should teach it).

We shall see.

Stay well.

And as Saint Germain would say, ‘Alchemically yours’ or ‘Yours in Alchemy’,

Makhora The Alchemist or Alchemist Makhora :-)

Ps: If I had to put a song to this post it is ‘Adiemus- Song of Invocation’ from their Cantada Mundi album.

Secondly, rather than rewrite this article and not mention the idea of teaching this alchemical tool, I will say that if I never teach it, read the ‘I AM’ Discourses. The Ascended Masters will give you our own tool.

Practical numerology

Ever notice that all numerology gives the same vague advise. All numbers and number sequences mean “be true to your self, live your divine self, let go of the past.” People who swear by numerology are in trouble. Ten years ago your number sequence meant “let go and let Spirit”. Ten years later nothing has changed for you. Well, here’s what I think. Numerology should be practical like the list below:
#1 live close to a river and clean it daily. Plant trees nearby.
#2 visualise yourself healing water daily.
#88 look at pictures of missing aeroplanes 3x daily. They will be found.
#151 play spin wheel lotto for fun only. Dont think about winning.
These practical approaches are light enfused and set people free. Ten years of seeing and living your number or number sequence will give you a real track record of lightwork/lightworker. I dare any light source to dispute this. Namaste.
Ps: where do you begin? Pick a number, make up a meaning, and the heavens will show you that you create your own reality.

I AM Spirit having a human experience

I AM Spirit having a human experience. You are Spirit having a human experience. Feed your Spirit.

I’ve often read that I AM Spirit having a human experience but this never resonated with me until two days ago. Now I can’t stop being Spirit in a human experiment.

Revelation is the thing about ascension and alchemy. I know nothing on my own. So its revealed to me that I AM Spirit having a human experience. I read that I am a light being and as such I live on Light. I understood this when I read it. And yet it is the same information as I AM Spirit having a human experience, which I only just understand.

Alright. Now that it is established that I AM Spirit having a human experience, now what? Well, I’m talkative. Soon I will talk too much. Yes, I’ll be one of those people. I feed my Spirit. I recite my Light Language writings and Spirit rejoices. Prior to two days ago, reciting Light Language was a chore. Now I do it, Spirit recites, happily. I feel alive.

My next task is to talk to spirit. I got my (ascension) name, Makhora, in a dream. And I think Spirit revealed it to the human me. I want to know what kind of spirit I am? What do I do? What do I like? I won’t be random anymore. My alchemy will be on point. I listened to Amorah Quan Yin’s “Pleiadian Workbook” audio book and she spoke about connecting with your spirit. Human me was not listening but, oh!, I get it. “Spirit, train yourself to live overtly in this body, in this world. Start doing the thing you came here to do.”

I am working hard to know what Spirit me does, likes, wants, needs, how I operate, how I precipitate instantly…I mean the whole shebang. Except that everything spirit is revealed and I can never discover it. And when I say I, I mean human me. So what does Spirit say when refering to himself in the first person? Spirit, write about yourself. I think Spirit writing about himself in the first person is there in my Light Language writings. I just have to know which words mean, “I, Spirit” :-). (kulelolo é…).




Create! This is God’s command to all men and women. Saint Germain and the Pleiadians teach us how to create but there’s one thing that they teach under cover and that is the state one must be in in order to create!

Nowhere do the create! teachers covertly tell you to be self-aware and that this is the state of being you should be in to create!.

Be self-aware. Now you know. How should you be self-aware? Ask yourself, “What would I do if I did not warn myself?” And work your way towards self-awareness from this question. I read a meme that said, “What would you do if you were not afraid?” Concentrate on the feeling inherent in the question. Focus on it and build it. Then ideas or actions will occur to you from that feeling. An example is that you might discover that you would sell your house, buy a house half the size of the sold house and then you would use the money to travel the world. Insane but true to the self-aware you. You might say that you would host a party when that is something you have never thought to do.

In the “I AM” discourses, the ascended masters say,  “Think thoughts that bring up feelings to create.” The Pleiadians say the same thing (Marciniak, B. Bringers of the Dawn).

But let’s clear up what feelings we are talking about. We are talking about feelings that are personal to you and your being. Think thoughts that will bring up positive feelings in you and that creates what you want and what you need. You will only access these thoughts and feelings when you are self-aware.

Do you need insight? Then think up a thought that brings up feelings for you. If thinking about cats playing piano doesn’t do it for you, then think about what does it for you no matter how dirty it might be. A thought that works for me is sharing my girlfriend with three other men at one go. It might be a dirty thought to others but to me it is a thought that brings up feelings that create. This formula “thought that brings up (positive) personal feeling that creates” created the insight of  “be self-aware” to create! (or co-create as the create! teachers will say).

Be mindful that the key here is that these are thoughts thought to bring up feeling to create. They are not thoughts to act upon or to make myself feel better. They are formula based intended to create. This is another nugget: Intention. Intention is built into this “thought-feeling-create” formula and the Pleiadians state that every Alchemist should “intend” everyday. In fact, every Alchemist should intend every morning. Alchemist, wake up in the morning and say, “Today I intend to experience abundance” (Marciniak). Using the “thought-feeling-create-intention” formula will create abundance for the Alchemist that intends abundance.

When you are proficient in this formula you will realise that you create what you absolutely want. You create from your soul. So go ahead “thought-feeling-create-intention” and have fun doing it. Be self-aware and create! Saint Germain (the Wonderman of Europe) did, so can you.

Also do conscious things from your self-aware state. They will all be new and better things :-).

Further reading: About emotions, thought-feeling-create, intentions, self-aware:

Angelou, Maya. Still I Rise poem

I AM” Discourses vol 3 to 18. Available from www.summitlighthouse.org

Marciniak, B. 1988. Bringers of the Dawn. Bear and Co Publishing. Available on www.onlinelibrary.com

Williamson, M. Our Deepest Fear poem


The Alchemist’s job

The Alchemist’s job

The Alchemist’s job is to receive Light, hold it, then send it out to all life.

I wish I knew about my job better. I became an Alchemist by chance. If it was a choice, it was a choice made in my pre-natal state. At least that is what the Pleiadians say. They say I chose to come into this life to be a Wayshower of the Aquarian Age (these are more Saint Germain’s choice of words but the essence is Pleiadian, too). So, here I am an Alchemist by chance and choice. Okay. I accept that this is who I am (after a 20 year struggle). So what is my job? What am I supposed to do?

The Alchemist’s job is to heal. To heal people, animals, nature. In the sphere of Wayshower of the Aquarian Age, the alchemist’s job is to live 5D in such a way that other people see and replicate it. That’s on the macro level. On the micro level, the Alchemist should heal the planet and everyone in it. How? All the literature I’ve read gives a basic formula: hold Light and send it out to all life.

Holding Light and sending it out entails contacting Source, receiving Light, and then beaming it out to humanity. The formula is, “Visualise Light coming from Source through your crown chakra into your heart centre, down to your solar plexus. Then beam it out.” An Alchemist holds Light and then sends it to all the elements that need healing.

I once attended a psychic sanctuary in my town and at the end of the service there was a guided meditation and it follows the Light formula. On this particular day my mind was sharp and I followed the words carefully. I felt my Self receive Light and I saw all the places where the guided meditation said we must send it. I visualised Light perfectly. I saw it come into my body through the top of my head. It saw and felt it spread through my body and I consciously sent it out to my neighbourhood, my city, my province, to the rest of my country and to the world. Perfect. It was the most perfect “visualise Light” guided meditation I have ever done. To boot, when I walked out of the sanctuary I pulled out my cell phone and immediately dialed the number of the girl that I was chatting up at the time and we spoke. I am the shy type when it comes to making phone calls to girls but I left the sanctuary feeling powerful, bold, and confident. During the call I thought that I should cut it off because I couldn’t believe that I had made the call and was on the phone with the girl. She loved it so much, she laughed brightly throughout the call. This sums up how I feel about my job and when I do it well, it serves me well too.

There is another job that an Alchemist must do daily and that it to create or to create one’s own Reality. This job is very big and none of the literature explains adequately just how to do this. I work on this job daily and I will share all my insights with you, reader. But for now the job of holding Light and sending it out to heal all life is the one that I am sure and confident of.

Oh!, Alchemist, “Visualise Light coming from Source. See the Light come down and enter through your crown chakra and into your body. The Light goes to all your chakras and especially to your heart centre. Hold it. Now beam Light out to all life on earth. Heal the waters, the trees, and the nations.”



To me the word “manifest” means the highest promise. When the Universe says, “With me, you manifest”, it is making the highest promise that anyone can make. It makes me feel nice, good, and sweet to know that I am chosen to receive such a nice gift. The ability to manifest.

Manifesting is nicer than winning casino money. And that money is nice. The things bought with casino won money are very nice. I once won money at a casino and I went to the grocery store. I bought luxuries like chocolate cake and bottles and bottles of wine instead of regular necessities like bread. When I got the money, money ideas came to my mind. And so I bought luxury goods. And that was nice.

Now imagine manifesting at will. Imagine how nice that is. Imagine manifesting everything you want, when you want it. Imagine living in the lap of luxury. Imagine being treated like royalty everywhere you go because you manifested it. Manifest. Get what you want, when you want it. That is nice.

Imagine how nice it feels to manifest money into your bank account. Imagine manifesting your soulmate. A girl so sweet, so soft, so caring and understanding, she lifts you up. Or a guy. Imagine manifesting solutions to everything in your life. Imagine manifesting yourself as friendly and happy with everyone, all day, everyday and doing it effortlessly.

Now, imagine how bad and how sad it feels when you go to manifest and nothing happens. Oh! my, God! It feels bad. It feels terrible. The feeling is so bad, it causes trepidation. Imagine you are late for an interview and you will to manifest a ride when you do not have a car and no car arrives. And you arrive very late at the interview and you are disqualified! I mean the highest promise not delivered, sucks terribly.

And no esoteric teaching saying when you manifest, don’t doubt and don’t question it, will make you feel better. Them saying, “Just visualise it and let it go and it shall manifest” is not sufficient. Ten years go by and you still live in the same terrible conditions. You hate your job. You have no friends. I mean life sucks and yet the Universe says, “With me, you manifest. Now go manifest.” And you try and try and try, still nothing. The question then is, how can the universe make such a high promise and not deliver?

I ask, “How can a person manifest at all cost regardless of whether they feel good or bad, or whether they doubt or not, and regardless of all the other factors that lead to them not manifesting that which they want? How? What should they do?”

My first part of the answer is, “Pleiadian and Angel Alchemy.” Immerse yourself in Saint Germain’s textbook, “Saint Germain on Alchemy” and read the Ascended Masters “I AM” Discourses many times over in order to align your consciousness with a higher vibrational frequency. I can tell you that I developed alchemical tools that I use to manifest small things, usually things like conversations. I developed tools before I read the “I AM” Discourses but after I started reading them and Saint Germain, I developed newer and better tools. Angel Alchemy is Ascended Master Alchemy from Discourse Book 13.

I should say, “Hi, my name is Makhora and I manifest conversations.” But that is not a luxury. It is not nice. Certainly not as nice as manifesting a mansion house and a brand new car with the insurance and tracker to go with it. How about manifesting the perfect wife, the perfect children, the perfect schools, the perfect life, and a host luxuries. I AM not above manifesting a top of the range smart phone.

The second answer is, “Clear your subconscious” and this, too, needs to have an abracadabra phrase to clear it. Every manifestation comes from the subconscious. For example, if you daydream that you are a rock star on a stage at your lit rock concert and you light yourself of fire as the grand finale, you will manifest the equivalent of what your subconscious says is you as a rock star lit on fire on stage. If by luck that image is equated to a million bucks, I tell you, you will have a million bucks within 2 to 3 days. Full disclosure. This rock star image happened to me and I manifested myself watching an old movie that I cannot remember now that had an image of a man on fire. My subconscious found that daydream image in an old movie. This is real but it must stop being automatic and start being conscious.

The Universe should come correct and start giving us tools to manifest everything we want instantly. No more talk of feelings, emotions, etc although they work wonders when you can get them to work. I’m talking about it should give us rituals if need be because “manifest” is a very nice and sweet promise that feels even nicer and sweeter when delivered on. And manifest must always be a promise made, a promise kept. It’s just too nice and too sweet. I must manifest what I want, when I want it, all the time and you should, too.

9 or Nine

What is 9/nine. According to the Pleiadian Renegades (https://renegadethoughts.wordpress.com/) Nine is Light Consciousness. I conducted my first research about 9 (I use the number 9 to talk about 9 because that is how I first encountered it) on that website after I first encountered 9.

I was watching television when the thought occurred to me (Merlin says that this is Him) to transpose the number 9 over the television screen and then to see what happens. I did. And 9 was mentioned by a character on the screen. I did it again and whatever image I had in my mind showed up on screen. One example of this is the red bus of London streets.

I was amazed. And after settling down and having used 9 all these many months, I can comfortably say that 9 is an alchemical tool. But this was not my only encounter with 9.

Many years ago I was reading channeled messages on a light worker website and I selected messages by reading every 9th one in what was 9 divination. That session lead me to a message on Opalescent 9 that is part of the Pleiadian Renegades. That reading mentioned “tuning into Nine and see what happens.” And every time that I tune into 9, something great happens. I transpose 9 on my bedroom door and without fail a surprise will open the door. By that I mean someone unexpected opens the door.

There are so many such tools in my alchemical bag-of-tricks, it tickles me all day.

But the real question is: Does an Alchemist use their alchemy tools to heal the world? After all that is what a lightworker is here on the planet Earth to do. Yes! When I tune into 9, I am holding Light in my body and then I beam it out. I beam it out with the intention to heal trees and water but I have never seen the healing happen. I leave that up to 9. 9 does it.

Again, I do not know if 9 works for everybody but it works for Pleiadians.


Abraham is an Alchemist.

He is an Alchemist the same way that Saint Germain is an Alchemist.

Abraham uses Alchemy to achieve all his success.

When one is an Alchemist, their alchemy becomes individualised, personal, and applies to them only. This means that Saint Germain’s textbook on alchemy, “Alchemy: Tools for Self-transformation” remains just that, a textbook. It provides the theory. Reading the textbook over and over again directs consciousness to create alchemical formulas. Abraham had many such formulas. So did Saint Germain. So do I.

Abraham has many alchemical formulas one of which is couched in the myth of the ram in the bush.

Another little known alchemical formula that he uses to win wars is called “Thought Syncronisation.” This formula works like this (and this is how Abraham won the war from which he met Melchizedek on his way back home): Abraham stands on his land, looks in the direction of the land of his enemy. He thinks to himself (all alchemy is mental ((especially Pleiadian and Angel alchemy)) but the Ascended Masters say that it is also verbal): My enemy is defeated. This signals that Abraham is successful.

If I say, I AM Jumpman. It means I AM Michael Jordan. That is how Thought Synchronisation works. It takes lots of repeated reading of Saint Germain’s “Alchemy” and daily practice at least 3 times a day to get “Thought Syncronisation” to be individualised for a person and then to be an alchemical formula they can use to achieve all their success.

It is not clear to me if one has to be ascending for them to gain from Abrahamic alchemy. But it is essential for all Pleiadians and Ascended Master devotees to perform alchemy, daily.