Practical numerology

Ever notice that all numerology gives the same vague advise. All numbers and number sequences mean “be true to your self, live your divine self, let go of the past.” People who swear by numerology are in trouble. Ten years ago your number sequence meant “let go and let Spirit”. Ten years later nothing has changed for you. Well, here’s what I think. Numerology should be practical like the list below:
#1 live close to a river and clean it daily. Plant trees nearby.
#2 visualise yourself healing water daily.
#88 look at pictures of missing aeroplanes 3x daily. They will be found.
#151 play spin wheel lotto for fun only. Dont think about winning.
These practical approaches are light enfused and set people free. Ten years of seeing and living your number or number sequence will give you a real track record of lightwork/lightworker. I dare any light source to dispute this. Namaste.
Ps: where do you begin? Pick a number, make up a meaning, and the heavens will show you that you create your own reality.


Abraham is an Alchemist.

He is an Alchemist the same way that Saint Germain is an Alchemist.

Abraham uses Alchemy to achieve all his success.

When one is an Alchemist, their alchemy becomes individualised, personal, and applies to them only. This means that Saint Germain’s textbook on alchemy, “Alchemy: Tools for Self-transformation” remains just that, a textbook. It provides the theory. Reading the textbook over and over again directs consciousness to create alchemical formulas. Abraham had many such formulas. So did Saint Germain. So do I.

Abraham has many alchemical formulas one of which is couched in the myth of the ram in the bush.

Another little known alchemical formula that he uses to win wars is called “Thought Syncronisation.” This formula works like this (and this is how Abraham won the war from which he met Melchizedek on his way back home): Abraham stands on his land, looks in the direction of the land of his enemy. He thinks to himself (all alchemy is mental ((especially Pleiadian and Angel alchemy)) but the Ascended Masters say that it is also verbal): My enemy is defeated. This signals that Abraham is successful.

If I say, I AM Jumpman. It means I AM Michael Jordan. That is how Thought Synchronisation works. It takes lots of repeated reading of Saint Germain’s “Alchemy” and daily practice at least 3 times a day to get “Thought Syncronisation” to be individualised for a person and then to be an alchemical formula they can use to achieve all their success.

It is not clear to me if one has to be ascending for them to gain from Abrahamic alchemy. But it is essential for all Pleiadians and Ascended Master devotees to perform alchemy, daily.