The Alchemist’s job

The Alchemist’s job

The Alchemist’s job is to receive Light, hold it, then send it out to all life.

I wish I knew about my job better. I became an Alchemist by chance. If it was a choice, it was a choice made in my pre-natal state. At least that is what the Pleiadians say. They say I chose to come into this life to be a Wayshower of the Aquarian Age (these are more Saint Germain’s choice of words but the essence is Pleiadian, too). So, here I am an Alchemist by chance and choice. Okay. I accept that this is who I am (after a 20 year struggle). So what is my job? What am I supposed to do?

The Alchemist’s job is to heal. To heal people, animals, nature. In the sphere of Wayshower of the Aquarian Age, the alchemist’s job is to live 5D in such a way that other people see and replicate it. That’s on the macro level. On the micro level, the Alchemist should heal the planet and everyone in it. How? All the literature I’ve read gives a basic formula: hold Light and send it out to all life.

Holding Light and sending it out entails contacting Source, receiving Light, and then beaming it out to humanity. The formula is, “Visualise Light coming from Source through your crown chakra into your heart centre, down to your solar plexus. Then beam it out.” An Alchemist holds Light and then sends it to all the elements that need healing.

I once attended a psychic sanctuary in my town and at the end of the service there was a guided meditation and it follows the Light formula. On this particular day my mind was sharp and I followed the words carefully. I felt my Self receive Light and I saw all the places where the guided meditation said we must send it. I visualised Light perfectly. I saw it come into my body through the top of my head. It saw and felt it spread through my body and I consciously sent it out to my neighbourhood, my city, my province, to the rest of my country and to the world. Perfect. It was the most perfect “visualise Light” guided meditation I have ever done. To boot, when I walked out of the sanctuary I pulled out my cell phone and immediately dialed the number of the girl that I was chatting up at the time and we spoke. I am the shy type when it comes to making phone calls to girls but I left the sanctuary feeling powerful, bold, and confident. During the call I thought that I should cut it off because I couldn’t believe that I had made the call and was on the phone with the girl. She loved it so much, she laughed brightly throughout the call. This sums up how I feel about my job and when I do it well, it serves me well too.

There is another job that an Alchemist must do daily and that it to create or to create one’s own Reality. This job is very big and none of the literature explains adequately just how to do this. I work on this job daily and I will share all my insights with you, reader. But for now the job of holding Light and sending it out to heal all life is the one that I am sure and confident of.

Oh!, Alchemist, “Visualise Light coming from Source. See the Light come down and enter through your crown chakra and into your body. The Light goes to all your chakras and especially to your heart centre. Hold it. Now beam Light out to all life on earth. Heal the waters, the trees, and the nations.”