I AM Spirit having a human experience

I AM Spirit having a human experience. You are Spirit having a human experience. Feed your Spirit.

I’ve often read that I AM Spirit having a human experience but this never resonated with me until two days ago. Now I can’t stop being Spirit in a human experiment.

Revelation is the thing about ascension and alchemy. I know nothing on my own. So its revealed to me that I AM Spirit having a human experience. I read that I am a light being and as such I live on Light. I understood this when I read it. And yet it is the same information as I AM Spirit having a human experience, which I only just understand.

Alright. Now that it is established that I AM Spirit having a human experience, now what? Well, I’m talkative. Soon I will talk too much. Yes, I’ll be one of those people. I feed my Spirit. I recite my Light Language writings and Spirit rejoices. Prior to two days ago, reciting Light Language was a chore. Now I do it, Spirit recites, happily. I feel alive.

My next task is to talk to spirit. I got my (ascension) name, Makhora, in a dream. And I think Spirit revealed it to the human me. I want to know what kind of spirit I am? What do I do? What do I like? I won’t be random anymore. My alchemy will be on point. I listened to Amorah Quan Yin’s “Pleiadian Workbook” audio book and she spoke about connecting with your spirit. Human me was not listening but, oh!, I get it. “Spirit, train yourself to live overtly in this body, in this world. Start doing the thing you came here to do.”

I am working hard to know what Spirit me does, likes, wants, needs, how I operate, how I precipitate instantly…I mean the whole shebang. Except that everything spirit is revealed and I can never discover it. And when I say I, I mean human me. So what does Spirit say when refering to himself in the first person? Spirit, write about yourself. I think Spirit writing about himself in the first person is there in my Light Language writings. I just have to know which words mean, “I, Spirit” :-). (kulelolo é…).


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